The Office Quest punches in on Steam later this month

Most people play games to escape the tedium of working at the office. But what if the game was about escaping the tedium of working at the office? This ironic challenge is at the heart of 11Sheep’s appropriately-titled comic point-and-click adventure The Office Quest.

Anyone who’s ever worked a monotonous desk job knows the drill: “Wake up in the morning. Take a shower. Have some breakfast. Commute to your office. Sit in front of your computer for eight hours. Go back home. Watch some sports on TV. Go to sleep. Repeat. Clicking the same keys on the same keyboard, sitting on the same desk, talking to the same people.” So how to escape this “Groundhog Day of boredom”? Well, you play The Office Quest, in which “a day at the office turns out to be an amazing adventure where your coworkers dress like fluffy animals because reasons.”

If that doesn’t sound like any office YOU’VE worked in, you’re not alone. This one is presented in sepia-toned hand-drawn cartoon artwork filled with eccentric, onesie-wearing characters ranging from “your grumpy, cigar-smoking boss to the annoying meeting-lover.” Your goal is to “trick them into letting you slip away, ” which involves soving puzzles that are “challenging enough to put your ingenuity to the test, accessible enough to let you enjoy the ride” (with a hint system available if necessary).

Originally launched as a pay-by-chapter release on iOS and Android devices last year, The Office Quest has now been ported in its entirety to Windows and Mac, and will be available on Steam on May 24th.

Source: Adventuregamers

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